Monday, 17 May 2010

An autobiography yet....!

Alas, I am a very infrequent blogger. My latest excuse is that I have been very heavy with child. My latest offspring has now been produced: a bouncing, bonny autobiography called 'BOMBS AND BETTY GRABLE.' It is produced by the small but beautifully rounded publishers in the Midlands of the UK called Brewin Books Ltd; it is a largish paperback and being given away at the ridiculous retail price of £12.95.

Why the hell should anyone want to read the story of my life? Good question and I'm glad I thought of it. Ah yes - the answer.

Well. it tells the story of a lad growing up in the back streets of Birmingham during the last war, dodging the German bombs but pledging his undying love for an iconic Betty Grable, and then succeeding as a journalist and businessman, before surviving the greatest tragedy of his life and then becoming a novelist.

I'd like to feel that it gives an insight to the war years and to the growth, earlier, of a great industrial city, but I am hopeful also that it's a tale of love, humour and personal struggle, with one or two fascinating characters emerging to make it not at all a 'me, me' book.

How on earth can you resist it? And it does give a damned good excuse for not having written a blog for two months or more!